1) Gao X, Li Y, Zhou X, et al.Multidirectional magneto-optical imaging system for weld defects inspection[J].OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING. 2020, 124(UNSP 105812).
2) Gao X, Wang L, Chen Z, et al.Process stability analysis and weld formation evaluation during disk laser-maghybrid welding[J]. OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING. 2020, 124(UNSP 105835).
3) Liu G, Gao X, Peng C, et al.Optimization of laser welding of DP780 to Al5052 joints for weld width andlap-shear force using response surface methodology[J]. OPTICS AND LASERTECHNOLOGY. 2020, 126(106072).
4) Zhang Y, You D, Gao X, et al.Real-time monitoring of high-power disk laser welding statuses based on deeplearning framework[J]. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING. 2020, 31(4):799-814.
5) Wang L, Mohammadpour M, Yang B,et al. Monitoring of keyhole entrance and molten pool with quality analysisduring adjustable ring mode laser welding[J]. APPLIED OPTICS. 2020, 59(6):1576-1584.
6) Li Y, Gao X, Zhang Y, et al.Detection model of invisible weld defects by magneto-optical imaging atrotating magnetic field directions[J]. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY. 2020,121(105772).
7) Ma N, Gao X, Wang C, et al.Influence of Sampling Frequency on Magneto-Optical Imaging Under AlternatingMagnetic Field Excitation[J]. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 2019, 19(23): 11591-11600.
8) Gao X, Dai X, Zhou X, et al.Elucidation of magnetic flux leakage for welding defect detection at differentmagnetic field directions through alternating magnetic field measurement[J].INSIGHT. 2019, 61(12): 720-728.
9) Gao X, Du L, Xie Y, et al.Identification of weld defects using magneto-optical imaging[J]. INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY. 2019, 105(1-4): 1713-1722.
10) Zhang Y, Gao X, You D, et al.Data-Driven Detection of Laser Welding Defects Based on Real-Time SpectrometerSignals[J]. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 2019, 19(20SI): 9364-9373.
11) Zhang Y, You D, Gao X, et al.Online Monitoring of Welding Status Based on a DBN Model During LaserWelding[J]. ENGINEERING. 2019, 5(4): 671-678.
12) Gao X, Li Z, Wang L, et al.Detection of weld imperfection in high-power disk laser welding based onassociation analysis of multi-sensing features[J]. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY.2019, 115: 306-315.
13) Zhang Y, Zhang N, You D, et al.High-power disk laser welding statuses monitoring based on analyses ofmultiple-sensor signals[J]. JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES. 2019, 41:221-230.
14) Gao X, Wang L, You D, et al.Synchronized Monitoring of Droplet Transition and Keyhole Bottom in High PowerLaser-MAG Hybrid Welding Process[J]. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 2019, 19(9):3553-3563.
15) Gao X, Du L, Ma N, et al. Magneto-opticalimaging characteristics of weld defects under alternating and rotating magneticfield excitation[J]. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY. 2019, 112: 188-197.
16) Zhang Y, You D, Gao X, et al.Welding defects detection based on deep learning with multiple optical sensorsduring disk laser welding of thick plates[J]. JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS.2019, 51: 87-94.
17) Liu G, Gao X, You D, et al.Prediction of high power laser welding status based on PCA and SVMclassification of multiple sensors[J]. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING.2019, 30(2): 821-832.
18) Gao X, Li Y, Chen T, et al.Magneto-optical imaging feature extraction of micro-gap weld joint undernonuniform magnetic field excitation[J]. APPLIED OPTICS. 2019, 58(2): 291-301.
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20) Li Y, Gao X, Zheng Q, et al.Weld cracks nondestructive testing based on magneto-optical imaging underalternating magnetic field excitation[J]. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL.2019, 285: 289-299.
21) 李彦峰,高向东,季玉坤,王春草.交变/旋转磁场下焊接缺陷磁光成像检测与分类[J].光学精密工程,2020,28(05):1046-1054.
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